Down in Olympia, the house of origin fiscal cutoff was last week, which means it is about time we review what bills are still alive, where they are in the process, and how the Chamber advocacy team is feeling about everything. As a reminder, we publish weekly legislative updates courtesy... Continue Reading
Policy Positions
Policy Positions
The East King Chambers Coalition, a group of eleven Eastside chambers of commerce, recently released their policy positions for the 2025 state legislative session. Check them out below, or on the EKCC website here. Continue Reading
The most involved of our advocacy members have officially touched back down in the PNW this week after a jam-packed fly in to the nation’s capital, and we can’t wait to share the photos and how it went. With a new — and very different — administration and cabinet moving... Continue Reading
We are bringing the PNW to the DMV this December, as our most-active advocacy members will be joining the Chamber crew in D.C. for our third annual Fly-In trip from the 3rd through 6th. Last year our cohort met with Rep. Adam Smith, Rep. Rick Larsen, Rep. Suzan DelBene, Rep. Kim Schrier, Rep.... Continue Reading
On November 14, 2022, the Bellevue Chamber’s Policy Council addressed the following letter to the Bellevue City Council in response to the City’s proposed budget. Continue Reading
The Bellevue Chamber’s Policy Council has voted in favor of the 2022 Levy for Parks & Open Space, which will officially be on the ballot for the Nov. 8 election. But what does that actually mean? The Levy: If approved, this measure would cost an owner of a $1M home approximately $200... Continue Reading