Last week focused on policy committee hearings of bills sent over from the opposite chamber. We also saw some bills start to get voted out of committee. This will continue to be the focus in the coming week as we work towards the opposite house policy cutoff where all bills must move out of those... Continue Reading
In response to a 2025-27 revenue proposal put forward by Democratic leadership in the Washington State Senate, the Association of Washington Business, Bellevue Chamber of Commerce, Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, and Washington Roundtable issued this joint statement: Continue Reading
The Bellevue Chamber’s Policy Council met this last week to recap what is going down politically at the state, federal, and local level, so let’s get into it, in that order. On the topic of state budget & taxes … While state spending has grown 40% in the last four years,... Continue Reading
The beginning of the week focused on getting bills passed off the floor by house of origin cutoff on Wednesday. Legislators worked long hours with some House floor debates going late into the night. Bills that did not pass out of the chamber in which they were introduced by that day are considered... Continue Reading
The Chamber, in collaboration with two dozen of our partner organizations, recently put together the following letter opposing EHB 1217. Take a look below: Continue Reading
In response to the Senate Republicans' budget framework proposal announced March 11, the Association of Washington Business, Bellevue Chamber of Commerce, Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce and Washington Roundtable issued this joint statement: "We have been vocal about our support for Gov.... Continue Reading
We have officially passed the halfway point in the 2025 legislative session. Both chambers were on the floor last week debating and voting on bills. The House was on the floor late into the night on some days and was also on the floor on Saturday. All bills must pass off the floor of the chamber... Continue Reading
Down in Olympia, the house of origin fiscal cutoff was last week, which means it is about time we review what bills are still alive, where they are in the process, and how the Chamber advocacy team is feeling about everything. As a reminder, we publish weekly legislative updates courtesy... Continue Reading
Need a ride? Visit Bellevue has announced new vehicle upgrades to their BellHop program, incorporating three new 2025 Kia EV9 vehicles into the fleet. “BellHop continues to operate as a free, on-demand service, and we’re incredibly grateful for the dedicated support of Circuit, the... Continue Reading
In case you missed it: Amazon is pumping another $100 million into the City of Bellevue’s affordable housing scene! Announced at the groundbreaking for the Spring District’s Bridge Housing project, check out the full details at the press release linked here, and snippets from the 425... Continue Reading
This last week was fiscal week, which meant there were long days - going into the evening - of hearings and executive sessions to move bills out of fiscal committees by house of origin fiscal cutoff on Friday, Feb 28th. The committee meetings are marathons, sometimes having over 30 bill hearings... Continue Reading
In response to Gov. Ferguson’s Thursday, February 27 Press Conference “The Governor's focus on reform before revenue is a much-needed departure from the last several budget cycles in which the state has grown at over twice the rate of median household income growth,” said... Continue Reading