A Message from Outgoing Chair David Masin, Selden’s Home Furnishings When I became Chairman last September, it was my mission to emphasize the positive effects the Bellevue Chamber has on the business community that it serves. As a whole, the Chamber has effected change in ways that... Continue Reading
Thought Leadership
Thought Leadership
You’ve been hearing the buzz of “Smart Cities” and 5G and probably thinking what does it mean to my company or my family? 5G is the name given to the next generation of mobile data connectivity that comes after 4G. It is anticipated that pilot cities will potentially begin... Continue Reading
Some of these indicators we take great pride in achieving since they showcase the prosperity in our region. Others may be spin-offs from the opportunities a vibrant economy brings. Let’s take a peek at a few of the stats: #1 – Washington State is the fastest – yes, the fastest... Continue Reading