Growth Management 2019 Session Paper
Date postedJuly 18, 2019
As a state, we must be prepared for anticipated growth by ensuring that there is an adequate supply of economically feasible buildable land with the infrastructure to support it.
The East King County Chambers of Commerce Legislative Coalition requests the Legislature to do the following on our behalf:
- Reduce state regulations to lower cost and/or improve predictability for construction that might conflict with impending national regulations;
- Require losing land use appellants to bear the actual costs created by private challenges to land development;
- Tie state infrastructure funding to cost-effective local and regional investments;
- Maximize efficiency of existing and planned infrastructure to most effectively accommodate growth;
- Enforce legislation that requires impact fees and infrastructure revenue from excise taxes to remain restricted to currently designated capital infrastructure and to be invested in a timely fashion;
- Ensure property owners are given a predictable process and just compensation for property takings and do not deprive owners of reasonable use.