EKCC Transportation 2017


The Coalition believes that transportation infrastructure is critical to our state’s business climate and economic future. We supported the passage of a statewide comprehensive transportation package in 2015 and since the legislature made those investments the following transportation objectives are important to us: Investments should be prioritized to preserve existing transportation assets and finish incomplete projects that are critical to the state’s primary economic corridors, such as I-90 and SR-18, SR-520 and I-405, and SR 169

  • Uphold commitments from the 2015 Connecting Washington revenue package and keep projects funded and on schedule
  • Continue support for reforms that reduce project costs and delays, improve accountability, transparency, and efficiency on projects, budgeting, and the administration of programs and services.
  • Support incentives for emerging and growing technologies in alternative fuel use and infrastructure, and oppose implementing stricter fuel standards and other carbon pricing schemes that increase transportation and energy costs.
  • Support data-driven transportation solutions found in real-time traffic mobility data.
  • Oppose legislation or the use of transportation resources that adversely affect Washington businesses or create competitive disadvantages.