Chamber’s Alberts weighs in on 5G successes in Bellevue


Our VP of Government Affairs, Jodie Alberts, spoke at Bellevue City Council recently alongside Ken Lyons with Wireless Policy Group and several representatives from T-Mobile, ultimately thanking City staff for their work on expanding 5G facilities throughout town. 

“This has truly been years in the making,” said Alberts. “As I’ve mentioned in some of my previous testimonies, one of my roles at the Chamber has been staffing the 5G subcommittee …”

“While there was a fair amount to address initially, I can confidently say this was one of the most collaborative, respectful, and productive groups I’ve had the pleasure of working with, [and] it’s because of the work of this group that 5G was widely brought to Bellevue.”

“By fostering these types of relationships and adopting a solutions-oriented mentality, we can continue to strengthen Bellevue as a bustling job center, grow its economy, and overall make our city a better place than it was when we started.”

Learn more about 5G’s presence in Bellevue here, meet the Chamber’s 5G sub-committee here, and check out T-Mobile’s commitment to access for all here.