2025 Legislative Update: Week 7

Posted By: Lyset Cadena Olympia Update,

This last week was fiscal week, which meant there were long days - going into the evening - of hearings and executive sessions to move bills out of fiscal committees by house of origin fiscal cutoff on Friday, Feb 28th. The committee meetings are marathons, sometimes having over 30 bill hearings in one committee meeting. Lobbyists are often running back and forth between Senate Ways & Means and House Appropriations trying to catch when certain bills are up for a vote. Bills with a fiscal impact that didn’t pass out of committee by Friday are considered dead. The exception are bills deemed necessary to implement the budget (NTIB). Bills given this designation are not subject to the cutoff calendar. Some bills that die can also come back in the budget.


For those that like to keep track of the number of bills moving through the legislative process, below are the number of bills introduced, and the bills passed by each of the cutoffs we have crossed:


  • Bills Introduced so far in the 2025 session: 1,817
  • Bills Passed House of Origin Policy Cutoff: 1,154
  • Bills Passed House of Origin Fiscal Cutoff: 730


Frequently, bills heard in fiscal committees are amended to include two clauses – “null and void” or “subject to appropriation.” These clauses allow bills to proceed through the process but provide “escape hatches” if the policies put forward in the bill are not funded in the final adopted budget. Put another way, inclusion of these clauses makes implementation of the bill contingent upon budget funding. While these amendments are still being added onto bills this year, given the challenging budget landscape there is also a lot of work being done to whittle bills down to have a smaller fiscal impact rather than just moving it along with a null and void.


This coming week, focus will turn to the respective Senate and House floors as they work through all the bills approved by the fiscal and policy committees. The next legislative cutoff is Wednesday, March 12th at 5 p.m. with the deadline for bills to be voted out of their house of origin (e.g., House bills must be approved by the House, and Senate bills approved by the Senate). During floor time it is not unusual for one of the bodies to go late into the evening. Both chambers are anticipated to work this coming Saturday, and the House has a placeholder to potentially work Sunday. 


Inslee’s Book 1 Budget

On Monday, the House Democrats launched a new website, WA Budget Cuts, highlighting the all cuts/no revenue budget that former Governor Jay Inslee was required to prepare, called the “Book 1” Budget. This budget proposal relied only on existing law, and no new revenue, to balance the $12 billion budget deficit Washington state is facing. WA Budget Cuts highlights the largest of the possible cuts and provides a perspective on what these cuts would mean to communities across the state. For example, under the book 1 budget, over the next four years healthcare and public health programs are cut by $3.5 billion, and long-term care and funding for developmental disabilities programs would be reduced by $1.5 billion. Democrats have stated they are considering all proposed budget cuts and balancing those impacts against the need for revenue.


Governor Ferguson Budget Proposal

On Thursday, Governor Ferguson proposed a budget plan to save approximately $4 billion. The full list of Ferguson’s current proposals is available here for the supplemental budget, and here for the 2025-27 biennium.


The proposals aren’t full budgets, but do highlight items that Governor Ferguson is putting forward for consideration to be cut or eliminated. The proposal works from former Governor Inslee’s ‘book 2’ budget, which did include new revenue proposals, and was informed by the ‘budget reductions exercise’ turned in by state agencies on February 6th. It is important to keep in mind that some of the proposed “cuts” were reductions or eliminations of new investments that Inslee proposed in his book 2 budget and not cuts to existing maintenance level funding.


The Ferguson proposal maintained full funding for K-12 education and public safety. He also maintained investments in most housing and homelessness programs, current cash benefit assistance programs, and Medicaid. Governor Ferguson’s stated that his budget savings proposals are built on four key principles:


  1. Good government efficiencies and reductions.
  2. Pausing or phasing-in new spending.
  3. Scaling back recent spending decisions.
  4. Limiting replacement of one-time federal funding.


Governor Ferguson is also proposing $300 million in savings by requiring most state employees to take one furlough day per month for the next two years. Certain public employees will be exempt, including troopers patrolling roads and staff working in prisons and state hospitals.

Looking Ahead

This week will focus on floor action as bills are amended, debated, and ultimately voted on by the full chamber (House or Senate) ahead of the March 12th house of origin floor cutoff. Follow where we are in the process by consulting the 2025 Session Cutoff Calendar.


Click here to watch this week’s TVW Legislative Review. Episodes are posted every day during session and are just 10 minutes long, providing highlights of the day in Olympia.

 Bill Status Report

Bill #

Abbrev. Title

Short Description



HB 1004

Property tax exemption

Increasing the personal property tax exemption.

H Rules R


SHB 1015

Energy labeling/residential

Concerning energy labeling of residential buildings.

H Rules R


HB 1016

Veterans/employer incentives

Providing employer tax incentives for the support of veterans and military families.

H Finance


HB 1040

Rental income/property tax

Concerning rental income received by people eligible for certain property tax exemption programs.

H Rules R


HB 1095

Law enforcement funding

Incentivizing cities and counties to attract and retain commissioned law enforcement officers.

H Finance


2SHB 1096

Lot splitting

Increasing housing options through lot splitting.

H Rules R


SHB 1135

Local government planning

Ensuring that local government planning complies with the growth management act.

H 2nd Reading


SHB 1155 (SB 5437)

Noncompetition agreements

Prohibiting noncompetition agreements and clarifying nonsolicitation agreements.

H Rules R


SHB 1160

Local gov. design review

Concerning local government design review.

H 2nd Reading


HB 1165

Property tax exemptions

Expanding access to the property tax exemption program for seniors, people retired due to disability, and veterans with disabilities.

H Finance


2SHB 1175

Small businesses/residential

Allowing small business establishments in residential zones.



2SHB 1183

Building codes

Concerning building code and development regulation reform.



2SHB 1195 (SB 5497)

Housing & shelters

Concerning compliance with siting, development permit processes and standards, and requirements for permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, indoor emergency housing, or indoor emergency shelters.

H Rules R


HB 1197 (SB 5166)

Operating budget, supp.

Making 2023-2025 fiscal biennium second supplemental operating appropriations.

H Approps


HB 1198 (SB 5167)

Operating budget

Making 2025-2027 fiscal biennium operating appropriations.

H Approps


HB 1202 (SB 5194)

State gen. obligation bonds

Concerning state general obligation bonds and related accounts.

H Cap Budget


2SHB 1213 (SB 5539)

Paid family & medical leave

Expanding protections for workers in the state paid family and medical leave program.

H Rules R


HB 1214 (SSB 5768)

Working families' tax credit

Expanding eligibility for the working families' tax credit to everyone age 18 and older.

H Finance


2SHB 1217 (SSB 5222)

Residential tenants

Improving housing stability for tenants subject to the residential landlord-tenant act and the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act by limiting rent and fee increases, requiring notice of rent and fee increases, limiting fees and deposits, establishing a landlord resource center and associated services, authorizing tenant lease termination, creating parity between lease types, and providing for attorney general enforcement.

H Rules R


HB 1224

Working families' tax credit

Modifying the working families' tax credit by enhancing collection services and increasing participation rates through data-sharing agreements.

H Finance


HB 1226 (SB 5160)

Transportation budget, supp.

Making supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium.

H Transportation


HB 1227 (SB 5161)

Transportation budget

Making transportation appropriations for the 2025-2027 fiscal biennium.

H Transportation


HB 1235 (2SSB 5148)

GMA housing element

Ensuring compliance with the housing element requirements of the growth management act.

H Housing


HB 1284

Investmnt income B&O deduct.

Eliminating the investment income business and occupation tax deduction for corporations and other business entities.

H Finance


2SHB 1303 (SB 5380)

Environmental justice

Increasing environmental justice by improving government decisions.



HB 1319

Wealth tax

Enacting a wealth tax on the ownership of stocks, bonds, and other financial intangible property.

H Finance


HB 1320

Business & occupation tax

Modifying business and occupation tax rates to fund programs and services to benefit Washingtonians.

H Finance


HB 1324 (SB 5550)

Transportation funding/CCA

Funding the state transportation system using climate commitment act revenues.

H Transportation


SHB 1332

Transp. network companies

Concerning transportation network companies.

H Rules R


HB 1334

Property tax revenue growth

Modifying the annual regular property tax revenue growth limit.

H Finance


SHB 1353

ADU self-certification

Establishing a self-certification program for accessory dwelling unit project permit applications.

H 2nd Reading


SHB 1380

Public property regulations

Allowing objectively reasonable regulation of the utilization of public property.

H Rules R


SHB 1385

Background checks

Concerning fingerprint background check on applicants.

H 2nd Reading


HB 1403

Condominium construction

Simplifying condominium construction statutes.

H Rules R


2SHB 1409

Clean fuels program

Concerning the clean fuels program.

H Rules R


HB 1435 (2SSB 5060)

Law enf. hiring grants

Creating a law enforcement hiring grant program.

H Approps


HB 1436 (SB 5285)

Law enf. officers/increase

Incentivizing cities and counties to increase employment of commissioned law enforcement officers.

H Finance


2SHB 1443 (SSB 5332)

Mobile dwellings

Concerning mobile dwellings.



HB 1468 (SB 5441)


Concerning accounts.

H Approps


HB 1471 (SB 5392)

BSA transfers

Concerning budget stabilization account transfers.

H Approps


SHB 1473

Wildfire BSA appropriations

Making expenditures from the budget stabilization account for declared catastrophic events.

H Rules R


HB 1480

Affordable housing REET

Allowing all counties to impose a real estate excise tax for the purpose of developing affordable housing, subject to the will of the voters.

H Finance


3SHB 1491

Transit-oriented housing dev

Promoting transit-oriented housing development.



HB 1494

Multiple-unit dwellings/tax

Concerning the property tax exemptions for new and rehabilitated multiple-unit dwellings in urban centers.

H Rules R


SHB 1500

CIC resale certificates

Concerning resale certificates for units in common interest communities.

H Rules R


HB 1501

CIC unit owner inquiries

Concerning inquiries into association governance or operations by unit owners in common interest communities.

H Rules R


2SHB 1516

Insurance/affordable units

Conducting a study of insurance coverage options for permanently affordable homeownership units.



SHB 1543 (SSB 5514)

Clean buildings standard

Increasing compliance pathways for the clean buildings performance standard.

S Environment, En


SHB 1576

Historic landmarks/cities

Concerning the designation of historic landmarks by cities.

H Rules R


HB 1582 (SSB 5655)

Child care centers/buildings

Concerning child care centers operated in existing buildings.

H Rules R


2SHB 1614 (SSB 5314)

Capital gains tax

Modifying the capital gains tax.



HB 1622 (SSB 5422)

Collective bargaining/AI use

Allowing bargaining over matters related to the use of artificial intelligence.

H Rules R


HB 1665

Capital gains tax repeal

Repealing the capital gains income tax.

H Finance


HB 1666

Estate tax repeal

Repealing the estate tax.

H Finance


SHB 1671

Personal data privacy

Protecting personal data privacy.

H Approps


HB 1687

Social housing authorities

Concerning social housing public development authorities.

H Rules R


HB 1717 (SB 5591)

Affordable housing/sales tax

Creating a sales and use tax remittance program for affordable housing.

H Approps


HB 1757

Residential use/existing

Modifying regulations for existing buildings used for residential purposes.

H Rules R


HB 1785

Excessive executive comp.

Imposing a surcharge on publicly traded companies providing excessive executive compensation.

H Finance


SHB 1791

Local real estate excise tax

Increasing the flexibility of existing funding sources to fund public safety and other facilities by modifying the local real estate excise tax.

H Rules R


HB 1805

Children services/local tax

Creating a local sales and use tax to fund services for children and families that enhance well-being, promote mental health, and provide early interventions.

H Rules R


SHB 1808

Homeownership revolving loan

Creating an affordable homeownership revolving loan fund program.

H Cap Budget


SHB 1811

Crisis co-response

Enhancing crisis response services through co-response integration and support.

H 2nd Reading


HB 1858

Deed of trust assignment/fee

Eliminating the exemption for assignments or substitutions of previously recorded deeds of trust from the document recording fee and the covenant homeownership program assessment.

H Rules R


SHB 1867

Affordable housing REET

Allowing counties or cities to impose a real estate excise tax for the purpose of developing affordable housing, subject to the will of the voters.

H Rules R


HB 1870 (SB 5709)

Public health clinics/tax

Concerning county property tax levies for public health clinic purposes.

H Rules R


HB 1882

State tax on lodging

Imposing an additional temporary state tax on lodging.

H Finance


HB 1895

Educational assist./B&O tax

Establishing a business and occupation tax credit for small business employers providing educational assistance to employees.

H Finance


SHB 1899

Homelessness point-in-time

Concerning the homelessness point-in-time count.

H 2nd Reading


HB 1907 (SB 5711)

Self-service storage/tax

Defining the rental or lease of individual storage space at self-service storage facilities as a retail transaction for the imposition of business and occupation and sales and use taxes.

H Finance


HB 1913

Public utility tax credit

Repealing the public utility tax credit for home energy assistance.

H Rules R


HB 1921 (SB 5726)

Transportation revenue

Establishing new sources of transportation revenue based on motor vehicle use of public roadways.

H Transportation


HB 1924 (SB 5673)

Manufacturing/sales tax

Providing a sales and use tax exemption for manufacturing facilities and green manufacturing facilities.

H Finance


HB 1934

Employment investigation/PRA

Concerning the disclosure of information pertaining to complainants, accusers, and witnesses in an employment investigation.

H 2nd Reading


SHB 1935

Project permit definition

Concerning the definition of project permit and project permit application.

H Rules R


SHB 1967

Design-build projects/bonds

Modifying bonding requirements in the design portion of design-build public works projects.

H Rules R


2SHB 1975

Climate commitment act

Amending the climate commitment act by adjusting auction price containment mechanisms and ceiling prices, addressing the department of ecology's authority to amend rules to facilitate linkage with other jurisdictions, and providing for market dynamic analysis.



HB 1983

Timberland definition/REET

Amending the definition of timberland for purposes of determining the real estate excise tax for a governmental entity.

H Rules R


HB 1986

Vehicles for rental/tax

Concerning the application of taxes to sales of motor vehicles for use in retail car rentals.

H Finance


HB 1993

Child care providers/B&O tax

Exempting child care providers from the business and occupation tax.

H Finance


SHB 1996

Behavioral health diversion

Authorizing a qualified county to impose a tax for the funding of behavioral health diversion from the criminal justice system.

H Rules R


HB 1998 (SB 5774)

Investment income/B&O tax

Clarifying the scope of the investment income business and occupation tax deduction.

H Finance


HB 2009

Controlling interest/REET

Clarifying the calculation of the real estate excise tax for the transfer of a controlling interest in an entity holding real property.

H Finance


SHB 2015

Public safety funding

Improving public safety funding by providing resources to local governments and state and local criminal justice agencies, and authorizing a local option tax.



HB 2019

Estate tax

Making the estate tax more progressive.

H Finance


HB 2023

Investment income taxation

Establishing a work group to study the taxation of investment income under RCW 82.04.4281.

H Finance


HB 2024 (SSB 5770)

Primary residence/tax

Providing housing safety, security, and protection by creating the primary residence property tax exemption.

H Finance


HB 2025 (SSB 5771)

WFTC increase/tenants

Increasing the working families' tax credit to reflect the economic impact of property taxes incorporated into rental amounts charged to residential tenants.

H Finance


HB 2027


Increasing the supply of affordable and workforce housing.

H Finance


HJR 4204 (SJR 8203)

Principal residence/tax

Amending the Constitution to allow for a property tax exemption for a principal place of residence.

H Finance


SB 5036

Statewide emissions data

Strengthening Washington's leadership and accountability on climate policy by transitioning to annual reporting of statewide emissions data.

S Rules 2


SSB 5040 (HB 1045)

Uniformed personnel

Expanding the definition of uniformed personnel to all law enforcement officers employed by a city, town, or county.

H Labor & Workpla


SSB 5041

Unemp ins/strikes & lockouts

Concerning unemployment insurance benefits for striking or lockout workers.

S Rules 2


2SSB 5060 (HB 1435)

Law enforcement personnel

Creating a law enforcement hiring grant program.

S Rules 2


ESSB 5129

Common interest communities

Concerning common interest communities.

H Civil R & Judi


2SSB 5148 (HB 1235)

GMA housing element

Ensuring compliance with the housing element requirements of the growth management act.

S Rules 2


SSB 5156

Elevators/smaller apartments

Concerning elevator standards in smaller apartment buildings.

H Housing


SB 5160 (HB 1226)

Transportation budget, supp.

Making supplemental transportation appropriations for the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium.

S Transportation


SB 5161 (HB 1227)

Transportation budget

Making transportation appropriations for the 2025-2027 fiscal biennium.

S Transportation


SB 5166 (HB 1197)

Operating budget, supp.

Making 2023-2025 fiscal biennium second supplemental operating appropriations.

S Ways & Means


SB 5167 (HB 1198)

Operating budget

Making 2025-2027 fiscal biennium operating appropriations.

S Ways & Means


ESSB 5184 (HB 1299)

Minimum parking requirements

Concerning minimum parking requirements.

H Local Govt


SSB 5292

Family & medical leave rates

Concerning paid family and medical leave rates.

S Rules 2


ESB 5313

Rental agreement provisions

Adding to the list of provisions prohibited from rental agreements.

H Housing


SSB 5314 (2SHB 1614)

Capital gains tax

Modifying the capital gains tax.

S 2nd Reading


SSB 5360

Environmental crimes

Concerning environmental crimes.

S 2nd Reading


SSB 5374

Transportation/tribal rep.

Including tribal representation in certain transportation activities.

S Rules 2


SB 5392 (HB 1471)

BSA transfers

Concerning budget stabilization account transfers.

S Ways & Means


SSB 5469

Rental housing market

Prohibiting algorithmic rent fixing and noncompete agreements in the rental housing market.

S Rules 2


2SSB 5496 (HB 1732)

Home buying by entities

Preserving homeownership options by limiting excessive home buying by certain entities.

S Rules 2


SSB 5501

Employee driving requirement

Concerning employer requirements for driving.

H Labor & Workpla


SSB 5509 (SHB 1212)

Child care center siting

Concerning the siting of child care centers.

S Rules 2


SSB 5528

Transp. electrification

Concerning the installation of transportation electrification infrastructure.

H Labor & Workpla


SB 5550 (HB 1324)

Transportation funding/CCA

Funding the state transportation system using climate commitment act revenues.

S Transportation


SB 5554

Historic landmark desig.

Concerning historic landmark designations.

S 2nd Reading


SSB 5558

Growth management plans

Concerning growth management comprehensive plans.

S Rules 2


ESB 5559

UGA subdivision process

Streamlining the subdivision process inside urban growth areas.

S Passed 3rd


SSB 5576 (HB 1763)

Affordable housing funding

Providing state funding for essential affordable housing programs.

S Rules 2


SSB 5611

Land use permitting workload

Streamlining and clarifying local governments' land use permitting workloads.

S Rules 2


2SSB 5613

Residential development

Concerning the development of clear and objective standards, conditions, and procedures for residential development.

S Rules 2


SSB 5614

Impact fees

Concerning impact fees.

S Rules 2


SB 5645

Estate tax/extraordinary rev

Transferring extraordinary revenue collections from the estate tax to the developmental disabilities community services account.

S Ways & Means


SB 5647

Affordable housing/REET

Providing a real estate excise tax exemption for the sale of qualified affordable housing.

S Rules 2


SB 5649 (HB 1860)

Supply chain competitiveness

Creating a Washington state supply chain competitiveness infrastructure program.

S Rules 2


SSB 5655 (HB 1582)

Child care centers/buildings

Concerning child care centers operated in existing buildings.

H EL & Human Svc


SB 5659

Housing shortage/local share

Eliminating each local government's proportional share of Washington's housing shortage.

S Rules 2


SB 5662

Utility connection charges

Concerning the waiver of municipal utility connection charges for certain properties.

S Rules 2


SB 5673 (HB 1924)

Manufacturing/sales tax

Providing a sales and use tax exemption for manufacturing facilities and green manufacturing facilities.

S Ways & Means


SSB 5690

Utility relocation

Concerning utility relocation.

S Rules 2


SB 5702

Toll rate setting process

Streamlining the toll rate setting process at the transportation commission.

S Rules 2


SB 5705

Traffic infraction penalties

Improving traffic safety by modifying penalty amounts for certain traffic infractions.

S Rules 2


SB 5709 (HB 1870)

Public health clinics/tax

Concerning county property tax levies for public health clinic purposes.

S Ways & Means


SB 5711 (HB 1907)

Self-service storage/tax

Defining the rental or lease of individual storage space at self-service storage facilities as a retail transaction for the imposition of business and occupation and sales and use taxes.

S Ways & Means


SSB 5719

Local gov. hearing examiners

Concerning local government hearing examiners.

S Rules 2


SB 5726 (HB 1921)

Transportation revenue

Establishing new sources of transportation revenue based on motor vehicle use of public roadways.

S Transportation


SB 5729

Housing permitting

Encouraging construction of affordable housing by streamlining the permitting process.

S 2nd Reading


SB 5748

Impact fees

Incentivizing the substantial reduction or elimination of impact fees.

S Ways & Means


SSB 5749

Housing opportunity zones

Concerning housing development opportunity zones.

S Rules 2


SB 5766

Passive investment vehicles

Clarifying the business and occupation tax treatment of the investment income of passive investment vehicles managed by a person subject to business and occupation tax under RCW 82.04.290(1).

S Ways & Means


SSB 5768 (HB 1214)

Working families' tax credit

Expanding eligibility for the working families' tax credit to everyone age 18 and older.

S Rules 2


SSB 5770 (HB 2024)

Primary residence/tax

Providing housing safety, security, and protection by creating the primary residence property tax exemption.

S Rules 2


SSB 5771 (HB 2025)

WFTC increase/tenants

Increasing the working families' tax credit to reflect the economic impact of property taxes incorporated into rental amounts charged to residential tenants.

S Rules 2


SSB 5773

Transportation procurement

Concerning alternative procurement and delivery models for transportation projects.

S Rules 2


SB 5774 (HB 1998)

Investment income/B&O tax

Clarifying the scope of the investment income business and occupation tax deduction.

S Ways & Means


SB 5775

Public safety/local tax

Expanding local taxing authority to fund public safety and community protection focused programs and services.

S Rules 2


SJR 8201

Investment/LTSS accounts

Amending the Constitution to allow the state to invest moneys from long-term services and supports accounts.

S Rules 2


SJR 8203 (HJR 4204)

Principal residence/tax

Amending the Constitution to allow for a property tax exemption for a principal place of residence.

S Rules 2


Stay tuned for next week's update!