Photo of Sellen Construction

Sellen Construction


Organization Overview

Since our founding in Seattle’s South Lake Union neighborhood in 1944, we have played a role in the phenomenal growth of this region. Today, we are one of the area’s most successful builders and have the good fortune to work with some of the most significant organizations in the Pacific Northwest.
Jennifer Hatfield Director, Executive Office
Adam Kriefall
Adam Lorenz
Andrew Aiken
Andrew Aiken
Angi Rivera
Anissa Lindgren
Becky Rusnak
Brad Hayes
Chisulo Mulenga
Chris Martindale
Dave Ratzke
Dave Ritter
David de Yarza
Dawn Hamid
Derrick Brown
Erin Hobson Vice President
Garett Larivee Business Development Coordinator
Grace McDaniel
Grace McDaniel Marketing Coordinator
Hillary Schneider
Hulya Kayir
Jason Barnwell
Jason Barnwell Senior Director of Operations
Jason Harrison
Joe Carter
Kara Storhaug
Kate Harkess
Michael Teather
Mike Palm
Mike Ryberg
Mike Ryberg
Nancy Brown Executive Assistant
Nick Weymouth
Peter Richardson
Randy Boettcher
Robert Achilles
Russell Paananen
Scott Redman
Shanna Dennis
Teresa Hegdahl
Tim Lade
Tim McKey
Tim McKey COO
Tom Boysen
Travis Harth
Bellevue Chamber Logo Premier

Architects, Construction