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ZoomCare Free Night

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (PDT)

Event Details

Part of ZoomCare's mission is making great healthcare more affordable, accessible, and complete. However, we know there's still a long way to go to reach that goal. Obstacles, such as cost and lack of insurance coverage, prevent many in our communities from getting the necessary care they deserve.

To help bridge the gap between cost and care, we started ZoomCare Free Nights. On the second Wednesday of every month, we offer cost-free clinic appointments from 6-9 p.m. in both Portland and Seattle.

Free Nights FAQs:

When and where are ZoomCare Free Nights held?

We currently offer Free Nights once a month in Portland at our MLK & Davis location and in Seattle at our Bellevue & 4th location.

Who’s eligible for ZoomCare Free Nights?

We treat anyone from 0-120 years old who cannot afford a regular ZoomCare visit.

How much does an appointment cost?

Zero, Nada. Nothing. It’s free.

How can I make an appointment for ZoomCare Free Nights?

We'll see patients from 6-9 p.m. We schedule appointments at the clinic on a first come-first served basis beginning at 5:45 p.m. When a patient arrives at the clinic, they'll be registered for a 15-minute visit with a ZoomCare provider. The patient may leave the clinic and return at his or her appointment time, or choose to wait in the lobby. Please bring a photo ID. No other documentation is required.

What do we treat on ZoomCare Free Nights?

We can treat for acute illnesses and injuries, such as coughs and colds, STIs, urinary tract infections, minor wounds and rashes. We also now offer Women's Health services at both locations. Our Women's Health Free Night providers offer pap smears, lab testing and treatment for vaginal infections, biopsies, IUD removal, Nexplanon removal, treatment for period complications, birth control counseling and prescription management, including birth control pill, Depo shot, and Plan B.

What don't we treat on ZoomCare Free Nights?

We don't provide x-rays or prescribe narcotics. Other third-party clinics and resources in our neighborhoods provide these services for free.

What about tests during ZoomCare Free Nights?

We can handle tests for STIs, urinary tract infection, vaginal infections, strep throat, influenza, mononucleosis, sugar problems and pregnancy—these tests will cost the patient $0 through our ZoomCare lab. If we’re unable to perform the test, we can send it to outside lab vendors, but there will be a cost to the patient. We can perform select biopsies, but we do not handle x-rays to check for broken bones.

What kind of medications can I get on ZoomCare Free Nights?

We can dispense many common medications like antibiotics. Medications that are stocked in clinics are free during ZoomCare Free Nights. If a medication isn't available at our clinic, we’ll write a prescription to a local pharmacy and try to maintain a $4 prescription cost.